Our Services
At Horizon, we try and create a family type atmosphere and a feeling of homely security. The range of services we offer is broad, flexible and tailored to meet individual needs
Typical Support Tasks:
Help and encouragement with daily living skills like meal preparation, shopping, housework, budgeting and paying bills, personal care, clearing and organising home space, monitoring medication, accessing community facilities and supporting appointments with professionals like the local GP and dentist.The social element is essential to all the services provided and the support will focus on enablement and motivation of the clients.
The service incorporates a “Multidisciplinary Team” consisting of:
➢ Visiting Consultant Psychiatrist
➢ Registered Nurse
➢ Recovery Team Leader
➢ Recovery Workers
➢ Therapy Coordinator
➢ GP Services
➢ Pharmacy Services
➢ Art therapy
Visiting Consultant Psychiatrists
Psychiatrists are medically qualified doctors who have taken further training and specialised in mental health. The Consultant Psychiatrist will offer specialist skills and teaching to the team, providing advice and support to the identified NHS Community Consultant Psychiatrist (RC) if requested
Registered Nurses
Registered Nurses (also known as Qualified Nurses) have completed training in the care of people with mental health problems. The Nurse will oversee all clinical risks for the service working as part of the MDT.
Recovery Team Leaders
Recovery Team Leaders work in collaboration with the Deputy Manager as well as day-to-day management and leadership of the service. They supervise/lead recovery workers. Their role is to implement and review the support plans in collaboration clients and the MDT. Typically they will have undertaken, or be undertaking, NVQ Level II or equivalent.
Recovery Workers
Recovery Workers may have a range of vocational qualifications. Their role is to work with the Recovery Team-Leader to ensure that high quality care is provided to the clients and act as keyworkers.
Art Therapy
The Art Therapist is an expert on helping people externalise their inner thoughts, feelings, emotions, experiences and behaviours through creating artwork, then assisting them to gain insight and awareness from this process and help them recover.
Therapy Coordinators
Therapy Coordinators work in collaboration with the Recovery Team-Leaders by planning and implementing therapy programmes whilst ensuring appropriate materials are obtained.
On Call Arrangements
Outside office hours the On-Call Manager will be on call 24 hours per day.
Other staff at the service may include:
Administrator, Maintenance, Cleaner

Get in touch:
01723 671165 | [email protected]
120 Columbus Ravine, Scarborough, YO12 7QZ